Be Happy - It's Time to Give Life a Jerk

Be Happy

Be happy and enjoy your life
Enjoy life and don't become part of sad tribe
Even the life seems to have less perk
Let's give a try friend, give life some jerk
Even you are so busy and you have lots of work
Give a try friend, give life some jerk
Don't miss a moment to be happy
It prevents the things from getting crappy
Be happy and keep smiling,
Wondering what's the need to do so
Keep smiling because you don't know
Who will fall with your smile in the next row

Be happy, and enjoy the essence of life,
Leave the sorrow behind, it will come and go,
But dear, life is only one time thing, don't know at which quarter,
It will be taken away from you,
The time didn't stop yesterday, nor it stopped today,
Time goes on tickling, make the most out of life,
Before the tickling of your life time stops...
Even the life seems to have less perk
Give a try friend, give life some jerk
Even you are so busy and you have lots of work
Give a try friend, give life some jerk.

Be happy always and keep smiling,
Once a wise person said me this...
Been in sorrow and complaining it is not the solution.
No regrets life is full of problems,
It will take your test at each turn,
So that it could promote you to next level,
Be happy in order to tackle them all,
Keep smiling, don't worry even if you fall.

Life will teach you everything slowly slowly,
Be happy to learn each aspect of life fully
Happiness is the mantra, to overcome finiterouble
Be happy even your concerns become double
Be happy and enjoy your life,
Even the life seems to have less perk
Give a try friend, give life some jerk
Even you are so busy and you have lots of work
Give a try friend, give life some jerk.

Written By-
Anuradha Bose
Check Out Its Audio
Now Available with Audio on YouTube Channel - "Be Happy" by Anu


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